Home » Catalonia » Province of Barcelona » Baix Llobregat » Begues » Camí vell de Vallgrassa a la Plana Novella

Camí vell de Vallgrassa a la Plana Novella, Begues

On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Camí vell de Vallgrassa a la Plana Novella: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.

Nearest Named Buildings

  • Vallgrassa - 1317 m

Services near Camí vell de Vallgrassa a la Plana Novella

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  • Parking - 1104m
    Parking Puig de la Farigola - no fee
    Crta. de Rat Penat a Plana Novella, km 6 08859 Begues

Connected streets

List of streets and squares connected with Camí vell de Vallgrassa a la Plana Novella

 OSM Tags

fixmeCould not find this connection from the road to GR-92.4 - does this section of the path exist?
way typepath
nameCamí vell de Vallgrassa a la Plana Novella
name:caCamí vell de Vallgrassa a la Plana Novella
NoteI could not find this section of path on the ground. There is an alternative connection for GR-92.4 to the road, which is marked with an official GR path sign.