Home » Asturias » Gijón/Xixón » Distrito Oeste » Camín de la Cuesta'l Cementeriu

Camín de la Cuesta'l Cementeriu, Gijón/Xixón (Distrito Oeste)

On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Camín de la Cuesta'l Cementeriu: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.

Services near Camín de la Cuesta'l Cementeriu

Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.

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  • Parking - 828m
    Residencia Geriatrica - no fee
    Residencia Geriatrica
  • Car Wash - 1003m
    acceso a la gasolinera
  • Gas station - 513m
    Estación de Servicio Shell Cerillero
    Carretera de la Campa de Torres
  • parking space - 1381m
    Avenida de José Manuel Palacio


  • School - 920m
    Colegio Público Miguel de Cervantes Gijón/Xixón

Recreation and Sports

  • Multi-Sport - 847m
    Pista polideporitva Gijón/Xixón

Eating and Drinking

  • Restaurant - 864m
    Restaurante A Caldeira
    Carretera Campa de Torres, 1500 33299 Gijón/Xixón
    Phone: +34 985323063


  • Recycling - 964m
    Desguaces Puente Seco
    Carretera de Puente Seco a Muniello
  • Toilets - 911m
    - - Residencia El Lauredal
    Avenida de El Cerilleru
  • Charging Station - 615m
    - - Wenea
    Carretera de Puente Seco a Muniello

Connected streets

List of streets and squares connected with Camín de la Cuesta'l Cementeriu

 OSM Tags

way typeunclassified
nameCamín de la Cuesta'l Cementeriu
name:esCamino de la Cuesta del Cementerio